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...And Liverpool Was Made for Mo

Mo Salah has quickly made this league - and team - his own.

Mo Salah is special. We all know that. Scoring goals at an unreal clip (23 across all competitions). And drawing enough attention as too create for others when he’s not putting them in the back of the net (6 assists across all competitors). All told, Salah is responsible for 1.19 goals or assists every 90 minutes.

That’s an otherworldly return, well above his impressive .91 goals or assists every 90 minutes in his last season in Serie A. A league that, while touted for its defense, is also not known for the mix of speed and physicality found in England. And at the time of his transfer, many questioned if Salah would be able to replicate that return in the rough and tumble Premiership.

Absolutely scintillating and largely unguardable, the question of whether Mo would fit into Klopp’s LFC has largely been put to bed. And as one of the two fullbacks rotated to share duties on the right flank, Joe Gomez has had a unique perspective on just what makes the fleetfooted wingman who plays ahead of him tick.

Speaking to the official site, Gomez had this to say: “On the ball, he makes his own space whether with his skill or his strength because he holds people off very well. When you give it to him, nine times out of 10 he is creating something or keeping the ball. He has been outstanding for us and I think he’ll continue to keep scoring the way he does because it’s not just luck – it’s his ability and his eye for goal.”

Salah has indeed impressed in his ability to not just blow past his opponents, but also his ability to pick a pass as well as using his strength to retain the ball. High work rate, effervescent movement, and a fantastic first touch all add up to a player that could go toe-to-toe with any forward in the league.

In fact, his goal+assist return per 90 in all competitions compares rather favorably to the last season LFC had such a roaring attack: at 1.19 goals or assists per 90, Salah finds himself splitting the difference between Luis Suarez (1.30) and Daniel Sturridge (1.10) during that high-water 2013-2014 season. Simply put, Mo Salah is putting in one of the best attacking performances for Liverpool in recent memory.

Along with being an absolute terror to defenses on the pitch, he seems to be equally lovable to his teammates off of it. Quick with a smile and often the first to the celebration pile, Mo cuts an easy figure to root for. Gomez agrees.

“It’s nice to play alongside him on the right flank – you feed him the ball and let him do what he does,” he added.

Indeed, young Joe. Get that man the ball and let him go to work. It’s been a while since LFC fans have had that kind of dependable quality in the squad and, like Joe Gomez, we’re all enjoying the ride. It’s Mo Salah’s league, folks. We’re just lucky enough to witness it.

Source: liverpooloffside.sbnation.com

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