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The Secret Pundit Takes On The Commentators: Part 20 – The Final Shorts!


By Our Mystery Correspondent P.Dantic.

To conclude the series, our Measured Ranter takes his Gatling gun to a whole range of commentator nonsenses; they’re short, and it’s the last one, see, geddit? 😉 – Ed:

‘They’ve started with real intent’

Think about it. Are there teams out there that start with no intent? Does their manager spend the week on the training ground preparing for the game by telling the team ‘Boys, we’re going to start with zero intent and then, depending on how things go, I’ll decide if we need to introduce some intent later in the game’?

Is it even possible to start with no intent? Surely ‘no intent’ is still an intent. It’s intentionally intentless. So, if all teams are starting with intent, shouldn’t commentators just say ‘They’ve started’?

And what the John Motson is ‘real’ intent? ‘Boys we’re going to start with fake intent and then, depending on how things go…..’.

‘In a foot race’

This article is for Subscribers’ eyes only.

Source: tomkinstimes.com

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