Andy Robertson’s Plan To Leave His Mark On Oxlade-Chamberlain’s Bedroom

Still a better love story than Twilight.
Personal accolades come and personal accolades go, but Liverpool’s Andy Robertson is closing in on a very special achievement this year. It’s an achievement to which very, very few players can lay claim, outside of probably one other player. That goal? To get into Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain’s bedroom.
Hold on, Fifty Shades fans, don’t get ahead of me here, and get your heads out of the gutter.
I am of course talking about a friendly wager between teammates, wherein our popular midfielder Oxlade-Chamberlain agreed to place a signed, framed Robertson shirt in his house (alongside Lionel Messi’s) if the Scottish left back were to rack up ten or more assists this season.
Robertson, who of course already crossed that ten-assist threshold in the 5-0 romp over Huddersfield, is getting ready to cash in.
“When I walked up to him at half-time I said: ‘Where’s it gonna go?’”
“I want it above his bed so he’s always reminded of me every time he goes to sleep,” said Robertson to the club website. “At the start of the season it was a bit of banter, he said: ‘If you get 10 Premier League assists, sign a shirt and I’ll put it up on my wall.’”
“I don’t think he expected me to get and he started panicking - but I’m glad to get it and there’ll be a ‘Robertson 26’ shirt up there next season!”
I think we can all agree that a framed Robertson shirt taking pride of place in Oxlade-Chamberlain’s bedroom is almost as a good as a league title. Almost.
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