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Liverpool’s Elliott Calls for Focus in Title Fight with Manchester City

Liverpool Training Session
Photo by Andrew Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images

The Reds are in the mix for silverware in four competitions and may need to achieve perfection to win the Premier League.

Being in a title race against Manchester City is a daunting thing, such are City’s resources and their resultant ability to reel off win after win once the second half of the season arrives and Pep Guardiola’s sportswashing front for a human rights abusing petrostate inevitably click into gear.

For many of Liverpool’s player’s, though, the reality of Man City isn’t especially new to them. They know there can be no getting ahead of themselves; no reading too much into one win or good result; that there is nothing to truly celebrate in the league while there are still games to play.

“We just need to stay focused,” midfielder Harvey Elliott reflected as he and his teammates prepare to face Brentford on the weekend. “I think the moment you start thinking about other things, other teams and start tuning in to what’s going on elsewhere, that’s when it kind of goes wrong.

“For us, we just need to take it game by game, make sure we win, do our job and then that’s that until the next game. We have many competitions coming up again, it’s going to be a busy period so we can’t be thinking elsewhere, we just need to stay level-headed and focused.”

So far, the Reds have managed to do that, and last weekend’s 3-1 victory over Burnley showed they had been able to put a poor performance and defeat at Arsenal behind them and refocus on the task at hand—namely, trying to stay in the mix for silverware in four competitions.

“We just need to keep putting in the work, taking the confidence from each game, and hopefully getting the wins,” Elliott added. After Brentford on Saturday, the Reds face Luton in a mid-week league tie to make room for the League Cup final against Chelsea on Sunday, February 25th.

Source: liverpooloffside.sbnation.com

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