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On Racism and Regrettable Statements

Liverpool FC v Wolverhampton Wanderers - Premier League
Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images

Alexis Mac Allister voiced his opinion on the Enzo Fernandez-racist chant row. It was not a good statement.

Last week, the Argentinian National Team beat Colombia in the Copa America Final, completing a sweep of three major tournaments in a row - two Copas and a World Cup in between. It is a feat that makes them among the greatest international squads to have ever played the game.

While those achievements remain, however, the celebrations immediately following their most recent title have marred the sheen. Chelsea midfielder Enzo Fernandez livestreamed the team celebrating on the bus and broadcast those on the bus singing a racist chant that referenced the French National Team.

I won’t repeat the specific words here, but it is important to note that the excerpt translated and put out on major outlets all seem to concur that it contains anti-blackness, xenohobia (essentially asserting that naturalized immigrants are not “truly” citizens of their adopted homeland), and transphobia. It was grotesque and a madness given that the French team weren’t even involved in this competition.

Unfortunately, though, the madness did not end there as Liverpool midfielder and teammate of Enzo Fernandez on the Copa-winning squad Alexis Mac Allister put out a statement that dismisses concerns around the chant and asserts that Argentina is simply not racist. It is, to put not too fine a point on it, about as shitty a statement one can make without explicitly dipping actual bigotry itself.

It is such a let down because Alexis has done so much on the pitch to endear himself to fans. For me, personally, Mac Allister’s closeness to Darwin Nuñez, including often being one of the few on the pitch who seemed to be able to reach the Uruguayan striker in heated moments. And then, of course, the ability on the pitch.

But all of that pales in comparison to a response that is, to put it lightly, severely lacking. Even if one were to favorably compare it to the outrageously atrocious and bombastic responses from members of the Argentinian government, for example, one still cannot overlook what reads like Mac Allister asking what the big deal is.

And that simply isn’t enough. It isn’t enough even without considering that Mac Allister has, in Ibrahima Konate, a teammate that is a target of this racism. It is not enough at a time when nativist and xenophobic rhetoric are employed by fascist movements seemingly in the ascendancy worldwide - including in France, where savvy political movement and a firm commitment to defeating fascism combined to ensure far right parties remained unable to form a coalition. It is not enough when these movements have found, along with immigrants, trans people as a perfect population to target their hate upon.

I don’t know what will come next for Mac Allister though I’m sure it won’t necessarily affect his standing on the team, at least not immediately. I also don’t know if Ibou has made any kind of public response to this row. One imagines, though, there will need to be some sort of discussion between the two.

Here’s hoping that, before then, Mac Allister finds his way to a better understanding of race - especially given Agentina’s own history - and manages to grow from this moment.

Source: liverpooloffside.sbnation.com

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